Cannibal jokes strike a curious chord, blending dark humor with a pinch of absurdity that tickles the intellect and provokes a chuckle. Ever wondered what makes the idea of cannibals dining amusing?
It’s the art of turning a traditionally taboo topic into a playground of witty puns and hilarious scenarios. These jokes serve as a testament to humor’s power in softening the edges of even the most gruesome concepts.
Perfect for those who appreciate humor that’s a bite out of the ordinary, cannibal jokes offer a feast of laughs for anyone daring enough to indulge their curiosity.
Best Cannibal Jokes

Why did the cannibal break up with his girlfriend? He found her taste in music unbearable.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite game? Swallow the leader.
How do cannibals share their meals? On a first-come, first-serve basis.
Why are cannibal parties so well-organized? Everyone brings something to the table.
What do you call a cannibal with a smartphone? A bite-sized blogger.
How do cannibals spice up their food? With a sprinkle of “peer” pepper.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite type of music? Chewnes.
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny.
How do cannibals make decisions? They chew it over.
What did the cannibal get when he was late to dinner? The cold shoulder.
Why was the cannibal expelled from school? For buttering up his teacher.
What do cannibals eat to freshen their breath? Men-toes.
How do cannibals like their food? Well-done, with a side of “knee” potatoes.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite sport? Biting soccer.
Why do cannibals avoid fast food? It runs away too quickly.
How do cannibals start their prayers? “Lettuce prey.”
What’s a cannibal’s favorite dessert? Ice scream.
Why are cannibal jokes so popular? They’re always in good taste.
What do cannibals do at a barbecue? Grill their friends.
How do cannibals leave a restaurant? With a takeaway friend.
Why was the cannibal always busy? He had a lot on his plate.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite movie? “Gone with the Wind” because it’s all about leftovers.
How do cannibals serve their gods? In bite-sized pieces.
What do cannibals wear to dinner? A taste-full outfit.
Why do cannibals love to talk about food? It’s a meaty subject.
How do young cannibals get to school? They take the chew-chew train.
What’s a cannibal’s least favorite day? Fast Sunday.
Why do cannibals make terrible judges? They always pass the bar.
What does a cannibal do after dumping his girlfriend? Wipes his bum.
Why don’t cannibals eat comedians? Too much jest in their diet.
How do cannibals stay fit? By sticking to a strict diet of “joggers.”
What’s a cannibal’s favorite candy? Life savers, for their ironic twist.
Why do cannibals avoid eating sushi? They prefer their food less fishy.
How do cannibals decorate their homes? With “tasteful” art.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite type of homework? A bite-sized quiz.
Why did the cannibal join the orchestra? He had a taste for music.
How do cannibals prefer their steak? Rare, but well-groomed.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite board game? Snack and Ladders.
Why do cannibals make excellent detectives? They always get to the meat of the matter.
How do cannibals criticize their food? “Could use a little more elbow grease.”
Funny Cannibal Jokes

Why did the cannibal eat the tightrope walker? He wanted a balanced meal.
Cannibal 1: “Do you like my cooking?” Cannibal 2: “Yes, especially the finger foods!”
What do cannibals call a knight in armor? Canned food.
How do cannibals freshen up their homes? With human scents.
Cannibal chef: “Tonight’s special is ‘baked beans.'”
Why did the cannibal join the debate team? He loved to chew the fat.
What do cannibals make of marathon runners? Fast food on the go.
Cannibal’s review of a comedian: “He left me in stitches and then I ate him.”
Why do cannibals avoid eating clockmakers? Too time-consuming.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite dish? Baked “beans” with a side of “toes”-t.
How do cannibals apologize? “Sorry, I just bit off more than I could chew.”
What’s a cannibal’s favorite hobby? People watching, then eating.
Why don’t cannibals like to dine alone? They enjoy having someone for dinner.
How do cannibals spice up their love life? With a sprinkle of “hugs” and “kisses.”
What do cannibals eat at movies? Popcorn and a soft “drink.”
Why was the cannibal always at the gym? Working on his “bites” and “chews.”
Cannibal’s favorite dance move? The munch.
What do cannibals wear to bed? Their snack pajamas.
Why do cannibals make good friends? They’re into “people food.”
How do cannibals start their letters? “Chewing you a hello…”
What’s a cannibal’s favorite book? “Great Expectorations.”
Why did the cannibal get heartburn? He ate someone who was too spicy.
What’s a cannibal’s least favorite activity? Fasting.
Why was the cannibal actor famous? He always chewed up the scenery.
Cannibal’s favorite exercise? Crunches.
Why do cannibals love winter? For the “chilled” meat.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite drink? A bloody mary with extra “spirit.”
How do cannibals stay informed? They digest the news.
Why did the cannibal go to therapy? He had a lot to digest.
What do cannibals bring to potlucks? Just themselves.
Cannibal Jokes One Liners
Cannibals love fast food – especially sprinters.
A cannibal’s favorite dish? Biter biscuits.
Cannibals find vegetarians hard to digest.
A cannibal’s favorite cheese? Limburger.
Cannibals don’t play sports; they get enough exercise chasing their food.
Never invite a cannibal to a potluck; they misunderstand the concept.
A cannibal’s favorite instrument? The organ.
Why do cannibals avoid eating comedians? Too much jest.
Cannibals love elevator music; it’s uplifting.
A cannibal’s favorite game? Swallow the leader.
Cannibals don’t like frozen food; they can’t catch it.
A cannibal’s worst job? A chef – too much temptation.
Cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny.
Why do cannibals make terrible lawyers? They can’t pass the bar without eating it.
Cannibals hate dining alone; they prefer company.
A cannibal’s favorite movie genre? Chew-dunnits.
Why are cannibals bad at math? They always eat their numbers.
Cannibals don’t use social media; they meet people for lunch instead.
A cannibal’s favorite book? “To Serve Man.”
Why do cannibals make poor musicians? They consume the band.
A cannibal’s least favorite holiday? Thanksgiving – too much stuffing.
Cannibals don’t like seafood; they prefer sea-food-eat-food.
A cannibal’s favorite soap opera? “As the World Churns.”
Why do cannibals avoid eating magicians? They disappear too fast.
Cannibals don’t do well in school; they snack on their homework.
A cannibal’s favorite candy? Chewy humans.
Why do cannibals avoid astronauts? Too much space food.
Cannibals love cooking shows – especially “Chopped.”
A cannibal’s favorite weather? Chili.
Why do cannibals make bad friends? They’ll bite your back.
Knock Knock Cannibal Jokes
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Alfred who?
Alfred you might eat me if I come in!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Chew who?
Chew better not be thinking of eating me!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Stew who?
Stew slow, I might get away!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Howard who?
Howard you like to be cooked?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Justin who?
Just in time for dinner, I see!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Cannie who?
Cannie fit you in my pot?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Biteme who?
Bite me, and you’ll see what happens!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it’s chilly out here, not to eat!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Annie who?
Annie body home, or am I next on the menu?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ivor who?
Ivor big appetite, let me in!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Carrie who?
Carrie me away from this cannibal village!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dina who?
Dina-saur meat’s off the menu, buddy!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Will who?
Will you let me out if I knock?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Omar who?
Omar gosh, are you still hungry?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Isabelle who?
Isabelle necessary for dinner?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Winnie who?
Winnie you think you’ve had enough, there’s me!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Sue who?
Sue chef on the run!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Luke who?
Luke out, I bite back!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ben who?
Ben eating veggies, not people!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ken who?
Ken I trust you won’t eat me?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Eaten who?
Eaten any good books lately? Because people are off the menu!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Don who?
Don you dare make me dinner!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Herb who?
Herb your appetite, I’m not tasty!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Colleen who?
Colleen up your act, no eating friends!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Moe who?
Moe away, I’m not your snack!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Nana who?
Nana your business if I’m tasty!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive safe and sound, not in your stew!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Barry who?
Barry the idea of eating me, please!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Hal who?
Knock, knockWho’s there? Arthur.Arthur who? Arthur any leftovers, or did you eat everything again?
Dark Cannibal Jokes
How do cannibals spice up their meals?
With a little bit of “thyme” and people.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite cheese?
Limburger, because it smells like feet.
How do cannibals prefer their steak?
Rare, with a side of runner’s legs.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite fast food?
“Bite” burgers with extra fingers.
Why do cannibals avoid eating clowns at night?
They give them weird dreams.
How do cannibal chefs excel at their job?
By getting a taste of their work.
What’s a cannibal lecturer’s advice to students?
“Digest the information thoroughly.”
What did the cannibal do at the beach?
Barbecued some “surf ‘n turf.”
Why are cannibal parties so well-organized?
Everyone brings something to the table.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite exercise?
Crunches, especially with abdomen.
How do cannibals decorate their homes?
With “tasteful” art.
What’s a cannibal’s least favorite activity?
How do cannibals break up with someone?
“It’s not you, it’s meat.”
What do cannibals wear to dinner parties?
Their “eating” clothes.
Why do cannibals make bad liars?
They always get caught eating their words.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite horror movie?
“Chew” on this for a while.
How do cannibals like their tea?
With a little bit of scream.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite game?
Hide and seek. Losers get eaten.
Why did the cannibal eat the lamp?
He wanted a light snack.
What do cannibals do after a big meal?
Pick their teeth with bone picks.
How do cannibals serve their food?
On a first-come, first-served basis.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite dance move?
The rib-cage rattle.
Why do cannibals love to tell jokes?
They have a biting sense of humor.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite type of music?
Anything with a good beat… and meat.
How do cannibals cure a cold?
With a hot bowl of “chicken” soup.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite book?
“To Serve Man.”
Why are cannibals good at math?
They love to multiply… their food sources.
What’s a cannibal’s favorite day of the week?
How do cannibals start their letters?
“I’m just dying to eat you…”
Why do cannibals make great friends?
They always want a piece of you.